6 February 1998
Bibliography of "An Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control"

Thanks to DN



Topic Page
General 74
Developments in Surveillance Technology                                                        76
Innovations in Crowd Control 80
a) 2nd Generation 'Less Lethal' Weapons
b) Riot Control Weapons
New Prison Control Technology 98
Interrogation, Torture Techniques and Technologies 98


Abel, P (1997): Information on the Military, Security Police (MSP) trade: an evaluation of commercial and public domain information sources. Unpublished M. Sc. submission Thesis, Manchester Metropolitan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Library & Information Studies.

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Nogala, D (1995): The future role of technology in policing. In: Comparisons in Policing: An International Perspective. 1st ed. (Ed: Brodeur, JP) Avebury, Aldershot, 191-210.

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Developments in Surveillance Technology

Abel, P; Hebenton, B; Thomas, T; Wright, S (1991) The Technopolitics of Exclusion,. Unpublished paper prepared for the XIXth. Annual Conference of The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Potsdam, Germany, 4-8 September 1991.

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Innovations in Crowd Control:

a) 2nd Generation 'Less Lethal' Weapons

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Anon. (1996) Marines evaluate deployment of non-lethal weapons from UAVs. Aerospace Daily October 24, p. 134.

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Anon. (1995) Army pushes ahead with laser countermeasure system production plan. Inside the Pentagon July 13.

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Anon. (1995) Debate over use of laser weapons: New technology is designed to blind the enemy's troops. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 17, p. 1.


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Anon. (1995) DoD officials crafting Pentagon's non-lethal policy have no easy task. Inside the Navy September 18 p. 17.

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Anon. (1995) Draft policy directive spells out DoD's rules for non-lethal weapons. Inside the Pentagon July 13, pp. 1, 8, 9.

Anon. (1995) Eyewash no defense: Lasers still cause concern. International Defense Review July, p. 1.

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Anon. (1995) Hearing on Law Enforcement Technology, Subcommittee on Crime, House Judiciary Committee, May 17. Witnesses testifying include: David Boyd, Director, Office of Science and Technology, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Dept of Justice; Harline McEwen, Chief of Police, Ithaca Police Dept., and Chairman, Law Enforcement Technology Advisory Council; Grady Wright, Vice President and General Manager, Integrated Engineering Division, TRW Systems Integration Group, Fairfax, VA; Dennis Miyoshi, Director, Nuclear Security Systems Center, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Eric Wenaas, President & CEO, JAYCOR, San Diego, CA; Bob Cansler, Chief of Police, Concord Police Dept., Concord NC; and Carl Baker, Deputy Secretary of Public Safety, Governor's Office of Public Safety, Richmond, VA.

Anon. (1995) Keeping tabs on criminals. IEEE Spectrum February, pp. 26-32.

Anon. (1995) Lack of DoD requirements prevents non-lethal technology growth. Aerospace Daily July 28, p. 141.

Anon. (1995) Less-lethal force in Operation United Shield. Marine Corps Gazette September, p. 69.

Anon. (1995) Marines ready to control Somali crowds with non-lethal weapons. Aerospace Daily February 22, p. 273.

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Anon. (1995) Panel's report backs non-lethal weapons. Aviation Week & Space Technology October 16. pp. 50-51.

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